(15 minutes)
My go-to reset when I'm feeling achy in my neck or low back (Sacro Illiac) region. Even a quick 5 minute version of this does wonders.
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(15 minutes)
My go-to reset when I'm feeling achy in my neck or low back (Sacro Illiac) region. Even a quick 5 minute version of this does wonders.
Read more(65 minutes)
Connect to your deep core muscles then recruit them for support in a number of balancing postures. Hip opening is also present throughout class, and everything ties together at the end in an active pigeon.
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Maximize potential for shoulder mobility with help from the strap (or scarf), build heat in the legs, open the hips, and move towards a bind in extended side angle.
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Work through a variety of standing twisted postures, moving towards an upright one legged twist. Your balance will be challenged, but the rhythm of the practice is intended to facilitate your ability to relax the mind.
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Find the inseam of the legs with help from a strap, and explore strong standing postures such as Tree, Uttita Hasta II, Half Moon and Ardha Chandrasana.
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This class gets deep into the hips and opens the front of the thighs. This work in addition to core awareness, prepares you for Ardha Bhekasana.
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Some quick prep work for your wrists and forearms, moving you into a side plank.
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This class moves slow to start, but gives you plenty of opportunity to flow. We will open the upper back and shoulders, as well as play with shifting weight and balance in a variety of ways.
Read more(35 minutes)
An abbreviated version of the full length class. This class prepares your wrists and shoulders for side plank. Standing postures add some dynamic to the sequence, and also give you the option to try an “active tree” variation in your peak side plank at the end.
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An abbreviated version of the full length class. This class creates a ton of space through the front and side body. Find the strength in your legs, move through spacious twists, and explore axial extension (spine length); all while preparing for Heron pose.
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Place your attention in the outer hips right out of the gates. It’s going to burn! You will use the awareness and strength you build there to support you in postures such as Tree, Extended Side Angle & Half Moon.
Read more(75 minutes)
Get into the shoulders and torso to prepare for a luxurious side bend. The slow start of this class quickly picks up and builds heat mid way through the practice. Some longer seated postures wrap things up at the end.
Read more(65 minutes)
Prepare for a big back bend + hip opener. Don’t be intimidated though! You’ll be good and ready for it when it comes, with loads of breathing, strong leg work and lots of lifting the side body up to prepare you.
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Warning, this class may give you a butt cramp! But don’t fret, there’s a sweet release at the end. In addition to mobilizing and strengthening the hips, you’ll find some side plank work and a nice backbend.
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A short and sweet sequence to help you open the front of the hips. Great if you've been sitting at your desk or in a car all day.
Read more(60 minutes)
Focus on creating space and strength in the side body, as well as width through the front body and inseam of the legs. You can expect corkscrew downward dogs, side planks, half moon pose & straddles.
Read more(30 minutes)
An abbreviated version of the full length class. Get into the full spectrum of the hips: think inner thighs, outer hips, front of the legs and glutes. A few balancing postures and side plank variations are also added to the mix, and you’ll close with a nice supported backbend.
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This class will strengthen your hip flexors and work on balance to prepare for Warrior III, as well as create space in the lower back and side body for a sweet and simple back bend.
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Belly backbends are the special of the day. Build strength in the back body and opening in the front. It's delicious!
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