(15 minutes)
Snow angels, scapular protractions & retractions, and strap circles. A simple & yummy little fix for your shoulders when they're feeling stuck.
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(15 minutes)
Snow angels, scapular protractions & retractions, and strap circles. A simple & yummy little fix for your shoulders when they're feeling stuck.
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Quiet your mind and reconnect to your body in the hopes of drifting quietly off to sleep. The guidelines for this one are loose. I do this tucked in bed at the end of the day, but you could also use this as a mid afternoon reset.
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It doesn't have to be a TOTAL bummer (see what I did there) ; ) While you won't be downward dogging in this practice, this class does give you a number of sweet seated postures so that you don't feel super scrunched up when you walk away from your desk at the end of the day.
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Prepare to move in almost any direction by opening and strengthening the side body. Releasing these gates of the body, can set you up for deeper forward folds, back bends, and/or twists.
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A tiny handful of postures propped up at the wall, to help you chill out when you're tight on time. Short and oh so sweet.
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Move through some inverted cat/cow on the block and then use the strap as a boundary while you move in and out of protraction/retraction and shoulder flexion. All of this in the hopes of creating a little lift through the thoracic spine, and space along the front of the torso.
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Consider this a gentle reminder that rest is powerful and essential. I LOVE feeling productive and checking things off my "to do" list, but stillness coupled with intentional breath restores me unlike anything else. Let these shapes and this practice be a healing balm for your "busy".
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You can do this whole sequence from your desk if you want - and I suggest you do if that's what it takes to get you moving a little today! The final bit of breath work can be done seated if you aren't somewhere that is conducive to laying down.
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Something a little fast and fiery to start your day or simply to get you out of your head and into your body.
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Time to wake up the back of your legs and say hello to your hammies! Use this practice as an antidote to too many forward folds, as a warm up before a run, or as sure way to give yourself a leg cramp.
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This one is short, but it's a burner! In this pocket practice, we're deliberately targeting the outer hips with controlled movement; and then wrapping up with a couple longer hold stretches. It's the perfect little push in the tush to get you moving ; )
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Movement through the rib cage and side body create space in the torso, while a steady breath and focal point help harness the mind.
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Bring some awareness to the side glutes, as a way to increase stability and grounding through the rest of your body.
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My go-to reset when I'm feeling achy in my neck or low back (Sacro Illiac) region. Even a quick 5 minute version of this does wonders.
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Some quick prep work for your wrists and forearms, moving you into a side plank.
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A short and sweet sequence to help you open the front of the hips. Great if you've been sitting at your desk or in a car all day.
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If you're looking for a short yet effective practice to get you moving and feeling connected, look no further. Straight forward flow to help you drop into a rhythm, a few static holds to build your strength, and some breath work to activate your attention.
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This is medicine for your upper body, with a tiny bit of hip and hamstring love sprinkled in between. Trace the rainbow, bear weight through one shoulder while moving the other, and bring rotation into the thoracic spine and rib basket.
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