(10 minutes)
When you're super short on time, but you need a moment to reset. Let this be the movement version of a coffee break.
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(10 minutes)
When you're super short on time, but you need a moment to reset. Let this be the movement version of a coffee break.
Read more(55 minutes)
If you've been "out of practice" for some time, or could simply benefit from a grounding class to re-establish your baseline; this is it. Mobility, simple strength, and a touch of flow.
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Find strength in the legs, width in the low back, and length in the waist to prepare for Hanumanasana.
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Move the femur bones in the hip sockets, both in a controlled manner and with freedom. A great way to prepare the body for more physical activity, or to unwind after a workout or full practice.
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This class targets the front of the ankles, legs, hips and chest. Move into the deeper layers of the physical body and psyche with a Yin practice that intends to settle you heavy into the earth.
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An abbreviated version of the full length class. This practice opens the front line and feels especially good if you’ve been sitting a lot. It moves the shoulders, brings in a variety of spinal extension, and opens the front of the hips and ankles.
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Open the front of the ankles, thighs, hips and shoulders with this short Yin practice. This class feels especially good if you've been sitting a lot.
Read more(65 minutes)
One hour and a whole lotta hips... Variations of figure 4, CARs and some balancing work, rounded out with a little bit of back bending at the end.
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An abbreviated version of the full length class. Move the femur bones in the hip sockets, both in a controlled manner and with freedom, as a way of preparing for a hip focused practice.
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Slow and steady mobility through the thoracic spine & shoulders, sets the stage for a long, beautiful back bend in this sequence.
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An abbreviated version of the full length class. Figure 4s, Trees, and Lizards, and a few standing splits too. This straight forward flow gets right into the legs and hips.
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Time to give your feet (top and bottom!) some love, and open up the front of your ankles as well. A great practice on its own, or an ideal preparation for sitting in Supta Virasana (reclined hero).
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Open the space along both sides of your trunk and then wake up your obliques. The extra length in the side body feels great in a simple seated twist.
Read more(60 minutes)
This class opens the front line and feels especially good if you’ve been sitting a lot. It moves the shoulders, brings in a variety of back bends, and opens the front of the hips and ankles. Enjoy!
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An abbreviated version of the full length class. Explore two distinct dynamics of energy through a variety of postures: the electric current that vibrates along the midline & the spacious width that anchors us to the ground.
Read more(45 minutes)
Our neck needs more than just a stretch (although that and a massage DO feel good). Get your prehab/rehab on with various simple yet challenging exercises. Your neck and shoulders will thank you.
Read more(65 minutes)
Move the femur bones in the hip sockets, both in a controlled manner and with freedom, as a way of preparing for a hip focused practice.
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Open into the spacious width that anchors us to the ground, with some simple restorative postures and minimal props.
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Some care for your wrists and a massage for your forearms, as well as some shoulder mobility and chest opening to close.
Read more(65 minutes)
Use a long spiral through the torso to create space in the spine and shoulders, and to prepare for an extended high lunge.
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