(75 minutes)
Get into the shoulders and torso to prepare for a luxurious side bend. The slow start of this class quickly picks up and builds heat mid way through the practice. Some longer seated postures wrap things up at the end.
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(75 minutes)
Get into the shoulders and torso to prepare for a luxurious side bend. The slow start of this class quickly picks up and builds heat mid way through the practice. Some longer seated postures wrap things up at the end.
Read more(65 minutes)
Prepare for a big back bend + hip opener. Don’t be intimidated though! You’ll be good and ready for it when it comes, with loads of breathing, strong leg work and lots of lifting the side body up to prepare you.
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Warning, this class may give you a butt cramp! But don’t fret, there’s a sweet release at the end. In addition to mobilizing and strengthening the hips, you’ll find some side plank work and a nice backbend.
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Focus on creating space and strength in the side body, as well as width through the front body and inseam of the legs. You can expect corkscrew downward dogs, side planks, half moon pose & straddles.
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This class will strengthen your hip flexors and work on balance to prepare for Warrior III, as well as create space in the lower back and side body for a sweet and simple back bend.
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Belly backbends are the special of the day. Build strength in the back body and opening in the front. It's delicious!
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Get ready for some serious side body stuff in this sequence, and think of it as a gateway into more spacious backbends, forward folds and deep twists. This class will leave you feeling long, strong and spacious.
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This practice explores internal and external rotation of the shoulders with the intention of preparing the upper body for a bind in Gomukasana. Standing postures like Tree, Triangle and Eagle help prepare the lower body.
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If there was ever a class that had it all, this might be it. Shoulder mobility and stability, hamstring and hip work, as well as balancing on both your hands and feet. Bring it all home with a generous backbend and round it out with a few seated postures. Phew!
Read more(55 minutes)
There's a whole lot packed into this practice. Start by opening the shoulders and chest, move into the side body space, create space at the front of the hips and in the quads; and let all of that come together in postures like Ardha Chandra Chapasana and Gate Pose.
Read more(50 minutes)
Bring space and awareness to the full circumference of the ribcage, in order to facilitate a deeper breath. Bandha practice and a sequence of familiar shapes helps us drop in to practice efficiently.
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Slide into the side space. Shoulder circles, inner thigh opening, extended side angle and ardha chandrasana, make up the bulk of this practice; and a tiny hint of back bending rounds everything out.
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Find vertical space along the arms and legs, then use uddiyana bandha (the upward flying lock or abdominal lift), to help create breadth along the back body. This practice is not advised for anyone currently pregnant.
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Hip work, hooray! Work through the outer legs, groin and hamstrings with open and closed hip shapes.
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Hamstring work, opposite hand to foot connections, and back bending goodies. This practice is packed but well paced, and intends to leave you feeling strong as well as open.
Read more(55 minutes)
A feel good, juicy, and fluid practice. Start slow and low to the ground with some sweet shoulder movement, then build to standing postures with twists and a crow pose.
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Bring awareness to the groins by sending the inner thighs back, then couple that work with lengthening the tail; and observe the sense of space that appears through the front of the pelvis and lower abdomen. Find these actions in different shapes and with gravity at play in various ways, to prepare the body for a deep low lunge and wheel pose.
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Shoulder work to prepare you for Chatturanga, Salabasana, and Upward Facing Dog.
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If you've been "out of practice" for some time, or could simply benefit from a grounding class to re-establish your baseline; this is it. Mobility, simple strength, and a touch of flow.
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