(60 minutes)
This class prepares your wrists and shoulders for side plank. Standing postures add some dynamic to the sequence, and also give you the option to try an “active tree” variation in your peak side plank at the end.
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(60 minutes)
This class prepares your wrists and shoulders for side plank. Standing postures add some dynamic to the sequence, and also give you the option to try an “active tree” variation in your peak side plank at the end.
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Time to give your feet (top and bottom!) some love, and open up the front of your ankles. This class creates space in the shoulders, tests your balance, and prepares your hips for Ardha Chandra Chapasana.
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This class will plug you into the vertical space within yourself. Reach through centre and access length in shapes like Eagle, Warrior III and Half Moon. Wide legs and supported back bends help counter the effort of this practice.
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This class creates a ton of space through the front and side body. Find the strength in your legs, move through spacious twists, and explore axial extension (spine length); all while preparing for Heron pose.
PROPS: 2 blocks, 1 blanket.
MUSIC: Choose your own from my public profile
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Wake up your obliques and then create space along both sides of your trunk. The reach of the arms makes room in the top half of the torso, while the power of your legs brings space to the waist.
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Thoroughly warm up the shoulders then put them to work, moving through a fluid sequence of lunges, balancing postures and side plank work.
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Can you stand in center, see what is in front, and feel what is behind? Ready yourself to land in Hanumanasana, by exploring these ideas in different postures, then round out the practice with some assisted hip opening and a supported back bend.
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Move through lateral flexion in a variety of shapes to prepare for a variation of Ardha Chandrasana that involves a long side bend. Standing splits and hip mobility are peppered throughout, and a supported backbend rounds out the practice.
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Figure 4s, Trees, Lizards and Pigeons, and a few standing splits too. This straight forward flow gets right into the legs and hips.
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Using external rotation in the legs and working to cross the midline, prepare your hips for the lower half of Gomukasana. Meanwhile, moving your shoulders through an active ROM of internal and external rotation in various shapes, prepare the upper body.
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Wake up your core for strength and use your breath to cultivate width. Plugging up through center and opening the front of the thighs, will prepare the body for Hanumanasana.
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Start with some challenging core stability while moving the legs, then create space in the side body and hips, all in preparation for Malasana and a deep side bend.
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Create length throughout the torso and wake up the strength of your obliques, all in preparation for a heart centred back bend.
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Using external rotation in the legs and working to cross centre, prepare your hips for the lower half of Gomukasana. Meanwhile, move the shoulders through internal and external rotation to prepare the upper body.
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Initiate movement in your hips and work through your legs in a fluid standing sequence. The space established throughout the body will culminate in an effortless Camel pose and well deserved rest.
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Open with postures that target your shoulders, build heat in your arms with some block work, and move through a series of standing postures; all in preparation for a beautiful balancing posture.
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Get into the full spectrum of the hips: think inner thighs, outer hips, front of the legs and glutes. A few balancing postures and side plank variations are also added to the mix, and you’ll close with a nice supported backbend.
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Begin with shoulder work, so you can give yourself your own assists while twisting the spine in a variety of postures. The standing sequence and hip work lead up to a revolved variation of a seated Figure 4, and a long Savasana rounds out the practice.
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The front and back mayofascial lines of the body, are connected via the side seams. This class opens those side lines with a simple sequence, and results in you feeling taller, as well as creating more space 3 dimensionally.
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Connect to your deep core muscles then recruit them for support in a number of balancing postures. Hip opening is also present throughout class, and everything ties together at the end in an active pigeon.
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