(15 minutes)
Explore a cactus shape in the arms while reclined on blocks, seated upright, and laying on your stomach in Salabasana (locust); to activate external rotation of the shoulders.
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(15 minutes)
Explore a cactus shape in the arms while reclined on blocks, seated upright, and laying on your stomach in Salabasana (locust); to activate external rotation of the shoulders.
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Support yourself with all your props, so that the ribcage and diaphragm are positioned for a deeper breath. Rest the physical body, while you move into stillness.
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A quick trip around the hips, all from the comfort of your back. This pocket practice works well on its own, or is a nice way to round out a workout, run, or shorter Vinyasa sequence.
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This brief practice begins with little bit of movement for your spine, is followed by some hip opening facilitated with a strap, and finishes with a supported chest opener.
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A quick roll with the ball to prime the area, followed by a pelvic symmetry sequence by renowned Dutch physiotherapist Cecile Röst. This 7 minute sequence often provides relief when I’m having acute S.I. discomfort.
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The perfect way to activate the back of your legs and your seat before a class, or to brighten up those areas after a practice that has focused predominantly on stretching them.
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Tease out the soles of the feet, find the inseam of the legs, and finish by propping up the upper back to open the shoulders and chest.
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Move through lateral flexion and a couple hip openers. The perfect way to start your day or prepare for a movement practice.
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Use your props as well as shapes like supported bridge, and a twisted lunge, to access space along the front of the body, and prepare for an expressive variation of Anjanayasana.
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External and internal rotation, flexion and extension. Move your hips to clear out the gunk that accumulates in those pockets, and notice the difference in how you move through the rest of your day.
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Mobilize, strengthen and stretch your shoulders, all in under 10 minutes. The perfect reset if you've been slouching all day.
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A challenging core sequence to connect you to center and facilitate more length in your spine when sitting upright.
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These 15 minutes are dedicated to giving your neck, shoulders and upper back lots of love… because who doesn’t need that these days.
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Perfect for any time really, this quick sequence will help mobilize your hips and shoulders, and unstick these often tight areas.
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When you need a grounding reset, your breath is the most efficient way of affecting the quality of your energy. Take a comfortable seat or lay down, and spend 10 minutes with your breath.
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Prepare to move in almost any direction by opening and strengthening the side body. Releasing these gates of the body, can set you up for deeper forward folds, back bends, and/or twists.
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Some movement for your spine and ribs, and a little love for your hips. A short and sweet way to wind down any weeknight or weekend.
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Perfect for when you need a little something, but only have energy to lay on your back. Show your hips some love.
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Movement through the rib cage and side body create space in the torso, while a steady breath and focal point help harness the mind.
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