What is Yin?
Yin yoga is an essential antidote to the “full-on” pace of life we abide by, and a beautiful compliment to dynamic movement and strength practices.
Yin - the feminine, the nurturer, the night - is a means of recalibrating our nervous system and of grounding our physical body. Yin postures are anchored on the floor and held for 2 - 5 minutes. This allows us to yield to the body’s needs and move consciously through her interior landscape.
Yin Yoga can provide a unique lens for entering yoga practice. A good place to start is by exploring the anatomical body and listening to messages of physical sensation. It also elicits the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Meridian theory to discover the imprint of mental & emotional patterning. Further still, we can attune through the chakra system, in order to observe the energetic layers of our subtler bodies.
So much of our existence requires us to show up outwardly. We learn to observe and define ourselves in a similar way - from the outside.
The practice of yin invites us to know ourselves from the inside.